The authorities also ride a segway

To understand the level of relevance the segway is reaching as a new method of transport , you just have to pay attention to the latest news from Malaga. It is there where the Local Police have made the decision to incorporate the segway as a new method of transport to get around the city in a more dynamic, flexible and safe way.

Malaga police officers are already using this vehicle to move around the Historic Center of the city, an area that greatly benefits from the ease of movement provided by this transport type . The intention of the police is to see if the segway can be a good tool to carry out their work in a more efficient way. They have also been acquired by the police who go along the promenade to check that everything is in order.

Famosos con Segway

Este tipo de vehículo proporciona a los agentes importantes ventajas que son afines a la filosofía de los segway. Por ejemplo, el poder desplazarse por zonas peatonales con mucha comodidad. Con unos niveles de velocidad más que adecuados, dado que son capaces de alcanzar una tasa máxima de 25 kilómetros por hora. La experiencia de los agentes determinará su expansión entre otros de los agentes de la ley del país y del mundo entero.

Las ventajas que encuentra la policía en el uso del segway son expansibles a las que aprovechan los turistas que los utilizan para recorrer las ciudades donde se encuentran disponibles, como es el caso de Madrid. Los segway ofrecen una velocidad de movimiento elevada, sin agotar al viajero y permitiéndole cubrir mucho más terreno en menos tiempo. Es como ir en bici pero evitando el cansancio que esta supone.

In some areas of Madrid, it has already been shown that this type of transport is a fantastic option to enjoy Madrid for a pleasant day through it. A good example of this is the El Retiro park , which is traditionally one of the most characteristic places in the capital. Going through its Segway-mounted rides is a good opportunity to connect with one of the most city ​​greens. The same happens in la Casa de Campo > , a very recognizable wide terrain of Madrid for which travelers who ride a Segway can enjoy a lot.

Segway Tour Casa de Campo

The ease of traveling with segway through pedestrian areas also makes it a very suitable means of transport when it comes to touring some of the most famous streets of the city and even for visiting the countryside of Real Madrid football . For these reasons, segways have become fashionable, they are ideal for moving at a good pace and without tiring the passenger, and their stability helps to enjoy the experience to the fullest.

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